Do I need to finish the books before my first consultation?

No. Many of my clients have not read the books and still had stunning results. That being said, clients who have read the books are generally able to complete the process faster than those who haven’t.

Do I really need the help of a consultant?

It depends. You know how there is plenty of free information available online and in libraries on how to lose weight and get into shape? You would think there isn’t a need for personal trainers at all. In actuality though, transforming your body is no simple task. People hire a personal trainer not only for their expertise, but also for accountability, encouragement, and support. At the end of the day, some people may just not want to embark on that journey alone.

Well, I am that person for decluttering and tidying your home. In most cases, it took years for us to collect all the items that weigh so heavily on our conscience and mind (I know because I’ve been there too). In fact, many people feel like they don’t know where to start. Just thinking about the countless hours it could take to completely simplify their home can be overwhelming. Moreover, without the right techniques, many people also suffer from relapse, clearing a space only to find it even more cluttered one year later. When working with a KonMari consultant you not only gain their expertise but also their passion for the process and their will to see you thriving in a home that sparks joy.

How is a KonMari consultant different from a professional organizer?

While my work does include organizing, organizing is actually a very small part of what I do. I work with clients, one-on-one, face-to-face, to guide them through the KonMari method™. It is more than organizing, it is self-discovery.

In fact, I find that when my clients are completely honest about choosing which items spark joy and add value to their life, rarely are organizing solutions needed. The sheer reduction of superfluous items means there is usually plenty of space to keep your items in plain view. All that is left to do is arrange your items in a way that is functional, aesthetically pleasing and that sparks joy!

We need to start thinking of organizing as a dirty word. It is a sneaky little profanity that keeps us from simplifying our lives. -The Minimalists

Is it possible to book shorter lessons?

Experience has shown that five hours is the optimal time for a tidying consultation. Anything else is generally too short or too long. We would advise scheduling five hours for your initial lesson. Thereafter, it is possible to adjust the lesson length if necessary to accommodate your availability.

What is your cancellation policy?

You may receive a full refund if you cancel at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled lesson. Cancellations that are made between 24-48 hours are eligible for a partial refund of 50%. Cancellations made less than 24 hours before your scheduled lesson are non-refundable.